Elderly man from Mahiliou sent to compulsory treatment for insulting Lukashenka

The trial was closed, the details of the charges are unknown.

Brest bloggers Pyatrukhin and Kabanau were punished with colony terms and fines. Today, Brest bloggers Syarhei Pyatrukhin and Alyaksandr Kabanau are accused of organizing group actions that grossly violate public order, of insulting a government official in connection with the performance of their duties, and of insulting a judge. Judge: Volha Krauchanka. The bloggers were not present; the verdict was read without them. Mahiliou, Belarus. April 14, 2021. Photo: Belsat.

On 18 June, a Mahiliou Court sentenced Mikhail Lyapeika, who was charged with “public insult of the President” under part 2 article 368 of the Criminal Code, as Mahiliou human rights defenders “Mayday” wrote.

The defendant’s legal representative was present at the closed trial instead of the defendant because, as his acquaintances explained, Mikhail Lyapeika “is already an old man.”

Judge Zhanna Pushkina ruled for compulsory treatment.

Part 2 of the article for “insult of the President” is applied when a person has been previously tried for insult or slander, or if “insult of the President” was coupled with the accusation of a grave or especially grave crime. This part carries penalties ranging from a fine to three years in prison.

This month it is already the second case of forced treatment for “insulting Lukashenka.” On 8 June, a man was convicted at once for “Insulting the President,” “Slandering the President,” “Insulting a representative of the authorities,” and “Insulting a judge.”

