Amendments to Criminal Code suggesting tougher sentences confirmed

The Ministry of Justice has confirmed that it was preparing amendments to the Criminal Code, reports.

Earlier, the ‘Office Life’ published the draft law, proposing amendments to the Criminal Code.

Among other things, they suggest introducing Article 342-1 (“Violation of the order of organizing or holding mass events”). It would apply to people who have been twice within a year sentenced under administrative code Article 23.34. They would be punished by arrest, restriction or imprisonment of up to three years.

The Article 198-1 (“Violation of legislation on mass media”) may also be introduced. If the owner of the site, not registered as a network publication, disseminated prohibited information within a year after the administrative penalty for this violation, they could be punished by community service, a fine, restriction or imprisonment up to two years.

The draft proposes to toughen the responsibility for dissemination of personal data. As for the attempt on the life of security officer (Article 362), in the case of changes to the Criminal Code, this crime will be punished by imprisonment from 15 to 25 years or life in prison.

But the Ministry of Justice stresses that the draft version cannot yet be called final. Authorities may make their own changes, and then it will be sent to the parliament.
