
Belarusian MPs support criminalizing calls for sanctions It provides for up to 12 years of imprisonment

Belarusian MPs to discuss jail terms for calls to sanctions MP Belakoneu initiated changes

Belarusian senators pass repressive legislation And the law on changes in appearance

Belarusian authorities to allow parties for permanent residents only A new draft law is being prepared in Belarus. This was stated…

OAC under Lukashenka stands to turn off Internet in Belarus Those who disobey will be punished

Businesses to fire workers for calls to political strikes Such changes will be adopted in the near future

Amendments to Criminal Code suggesting tougher sentences confirmed But the Ministry of Justice stresses that the draft version cannot yet…

MPs to review bill banning WRW flag It can be declared extremist

‘We’ve set the ball rolling’: Lukashenka to stiffen penalties for participating in protests On the second day of the Belarusian People's Congress, Alyaksandr…

Belarus to simplify procedure for obtaining citizenship Belarus will make the law on citizenship more liberal.

Belarus may ease rules of granting citizenship Belarusian lawmakers are expected to consider amendments to the law on citizenship at…