Businesses to fire workers for calls to political strikes

In front of MTZ, people greet factory workers with shouts of “Well done!”, “Thank you!”, and “Strike”. Minsk, Belarus. August 18, 2020. Photo: Belsat

In the near future, Belarus plans to adopt amendments to legislation that would provide for the termination of a contract with employees for calling to strikes that are not related to labor disputes.

“We have provided additional grounds for termination of contract by the employer with people who are engaged in such destructive activities,” said Deputy Secretary of State Security Council Alyaksandr Rakhmanau on air of the TV channel Belarus 1.

According to him, “in the case of the events that took place in the second half of 2020, there was no question of any labor dispute.”

“Measures were taken to shake up the collectives, to suspend or even stop the work of the enterprise. And as we saw later – to divide markets, including foreign markets, in which the products of our enterprises are in demand,” said Rakhmanau.

As a reminder, the Prosecutor General’s Office submitted proposals to increase responsibility for extremist activities. For this purpose a new edition of the law “On counteraction to extremism” was prepared.

The document authorizes the bodies of internal affairs and state security to recognize groups of citizens as extremist formations and prohibit their activities. The prosecutor, state security and internal affairs bodies will be able to “if signs of extremist activities are detected” to issue instructions to the founders and heads of organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the absence of grounds for bringing them to criminal responsibility.
