Lithuanian railroad receives three requests from Belarusian companies for transit of potash fertilizers

Lithuanian Railway has received requests from three Belarusian companies to transport fertilizers by Belaruskali. But these contracts will first be checked by a special governmental commission, which should decide whether the transit deals with the Belarusian companies threaten the national interests.

According to the Lithuanian railroad website, they were addressed to Belarusian Potash Company (special exporter of Belaruskali products), Belintertrans, and Belkali-Migao. “Belarusian Potash Company” is asking to agree on the transportation of fertilizers from January 24, arguing that it is necessary to meet its obligations to sell fertilizers through the port of Klaipeda.

The Lithuanian railroad explains that they need legal grounds to reject the companies’ requests and thus stop the transit of potash fertilizers through Lithuania. That is why LZD applied to a special commission, which has to decide whether concluding contracts with these Belarusian companies threaten the national interests.

This week, Lithuanian Railways have officially informed Belaruskali about the decision of the Lithuanian government to invalidate the contract concluded by the companies from February 1. At the same time, the railroad did not rule out that there might be applications from other cargo carriers and intermediary firms for the transit of Belarusian potash.

Earlier, head of the Committee of National Security and Defense of the Seimas of Lithuania Laurynas Kasčiūnas told Belsat TV that chances to bypass the ban on the transit of Belarusian fertilizers in Lithuania were almost zero, as any company (including private) would have to first apply to the parliamentary commission for permission. At the same time, the committee considered such a transit threat to national security.

Kasčiūnas confirmed that the head of Lithuanian Railways had lost his position precisely because the contract with Belaruskali failed to come before the parliamentary commission.
