
Ukraine stops transit of Belarusian potash fertilizers Transit will stop indefinitely

Estonia extends sanctions on transit of Belarusian oil products She invites the rest of the EU countries to do the same

Lithuania looking for bypass routes as transit via Belarus gets banned Possible routes run through Poland or Latvia

Belarusian potash not directed via Russia after Lithuanian transit stopped On February 1, 2022, Lithuania stopped the transit of Belaruskali products…

Belaruskali to appeal against decision of Lithuanian Railways to terminate contracts A complaint was received yesterday

Lithuanian railroad receives three requests from Belarusian companies for transit of potash fertilizers But these contracts will first be checked by a special…

Lithuanian Railway warns Belaruskali about transit termination But there are caveats

Lukashenka’s regime threatens to block transit and stop exports to Lithuania Halouchanka says that Belarus is ready for Lithuania to stop the…

Lithuanian government commission says contract with Belaruskali poses threat to national security The government will make the final decision

New rules for truck drivers crossing Belarus The Council of Ministers of Belarus has defined new rules for truckers, who…

Belarus raises oil transit tariff by 6.6% The tariff on transit of Russian oil and petroleum products through the territory…