Tsikhanouskaya’s advisor talks about negotiations with Lukashenka’s regime

Franak Vyachorka. Source: Tomasz Sulima / Facebook

Franak Vyachorka, the foreign affairs advisor of Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, has told TUT.by how their team is going to organize negotiations with the regime of Alyaksandr Lukashenka.

According to Franak Vyachorka, the negotiations have a specific term:

“Yes, we believe that the negotiations should take place in May. We’re already building such a timeline: we’re looking at the vote checking its “temperature”, we’re working with the OSCE, in particular with the Parliamentary Assembly, with the Eastern European office, with the Permanent Council. We support half of the Permanent Council in the OSCE, there will be no consensus there anyway.”

Vyachorka announced a roadmap for organizing these talks. By May, a series of round tables and expert consultations should be held, where it is planned to involve representatives of Russia. Any theme which will help OSCE to bring the different sides together will be discussed: the Constitution, the reforms, the vision of the future. By May, they plan to create a list of topics for negotiations, potential formats and participants.

“On the one hand, there should be a platform – the OSCE, and, according to our information, Russia is not against the OSCE as a mediator, but on the other hand, we need the participation of the countries to guarantee the implementation of the treaties. After all, nothing prevents Lukashenka or the regime to agree and then twist things in their own way. Therefore, we need states, a coalition of states, which would guarantee the implementation of the treaties.

Among them, we believe, must be Germany, Great Britain, France, Russia, because it plays a key role in supporting Lukashenka now. Maybe the U.S., but this could create antagonism with Russia. And we can consider neutral countries: Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Kazakhstan, which are not antagonistic to any of the negotiators,” said Vyachorka.

On March 18, Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya urged Belarusians to vote for negotiations with Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s regime. Half a million Belarusians have already managed to vote on the “Voice” platform.

