Dzmitry Kuks detained immediately after release

Dzmitry Kuks, former performer of the Belarusian choreographic company “Haroshki,” was detained immediately after his 15-day detention, reports the human rights center “Viasna.”

He was put in a dark blue minibus and taken to an unknown destination.

Dzmitry Kuks was detained before the anniversary of the protests, on August 6. In Frunzenski District Police Department, a report was filed on him under Article 24.3 of the Administrative Code “for refusing to open the door to the apartment for a search.”

Dzmitry then claimed that he was detained on the street near the metro station “Spartyunaya,” his hands were tied, he was immediately handcuffed and then taken for a search. According to the man, the law enforcers opened the door with his keys while Kuks himself was in handcuffs.

Dzmitry Kuks. Screenshot from the video:

As a result, Judge Chyzh punished the artist with a 15-day arrest.

Why Dzmitry was detained again is unknown.

belsat. eu
