BBC interviews Lukashenka in Minsk amid migrant crisis

BBC journalist Steve Rosenberg has interviewed Alyaksandr Lukashenka and asked questions about the migration crisis, the beatings on Akrestsin, and the liquidation of Belarusian NGOs.

Rosenberg asked about the liquidation of 270 NGOs since the beginning of July this year but was unable to finish his question – Lukashenka interrupted him:

“We’ll massacre all the scum that you [the West] have been financing. Oh, you’re upset we’ve destroyed all your structures! Your NGOs, whatever they are, that you’ve been paying for,” he responded.

Earlier, the BBC published an excerpt from an interview in which Lukashenka acknowledged that Belarusian law enforcers “may well have helped migrants to cross the Polish border illegally, and said he would not stop the flow of migrants, because “they are not coming to me, but to you.” Besides, Lukashenka admitted beatings in Akrestsin street jail but asked not to show photos of “beaten policemen.”
