Radio Liberty journalist Hruzdzilovich detained

He was detained earlier this year but released as a suspect in a case of “group actions grossly violating public order”.

Journalist Aleg Hruzdzilovich. Photo: Radio Liberty-Belarus / Telegram

Unknown masked men recently broke into the house of Radio Liberty journalist Aleg Hruzdzilovich and arrested him, Radio Liberty reports. It happened in Minsk. The date and time of the detention were not specified.

Hruzdzilovich, along with two other journalists of Radio Liberty was detained on 16 July. Their editorial office was searched. Hruzdzilovich was released 10 days later after a hunger strike but remained a suspect under Article 342 of the Criminal Code.

The reason for this detention is unclear. Later it emerged that the Ministry of Internal Affairs labeled the online resources of Radio Liberty an “extremist formation.”

Ihar Losik, journalist and consultant for Svaboda, who was recently sentenced to 15 years in a strict regime penal colony, has been behind bars for a year and a half now. The Radio Liberty freelancer Andrey Kuznechyk has been in jail for almost a month now. A criminal case was recently launched against him.

Aleh Hruzdilovich is 63 years old, of which he has worked for Radio Liberty for 26 years. He was named “Journalist of the Year” in 2009. In 2012, he published a book based on his reports “Who blew up the metro?”
