pressure on journalists

Radio Liberty journalist Hruzdzilovich detained Radio Liberty in Belarus has been labeled an "extremist formation"

Belarusian political prisoner Andrzej Poczobut recognised Journalist of Year 2021 by Polish magazine Press Andrzej Poczobut, a Hrodna-based reporter for the newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza…

Radio Liberty freelancer detained in Minsk, his apartment searched and equipment seized The same day the telegram channel of the media was hacked

Materials of regional media outlet labelled as extremist

‘Preventive talk’: Brest police in search of Belsat TV journo who had to leave Belarus two months ago An officer of Maskouski police department of Brest is looking…

Former Tribuna journalist Maslouski sentenced to jail for ‘extremist materials’ Tribuna was previously added to the list of "extremist" media outlets

Court upholds liquidation of Hrodna Life Media Ltd According to court decision, the founders will be obliged to liquidate Hrodna Life…

Virtual Brest news editor fined for distributing ‘extremist material’ about disabled prisoner Hundar

Blogger Pavel Vinahradau ‘re-detained’ after spending 45 days in custody On August 19, Pavel Vinahradau, an author of one of Belsat TV satirical…

Detained BelaPAN employees recognized as political prisoners They are detained on criminal charges for "organizing or preparing actions that…

Belsat officially declared extremist in Belarus Interior Ministry spokeswoman Volha Chamadanava reported on the decision to declare Belsat extremist…

Nasha Niva: Editor-in-chief Yahor Martsinovich was beaten during detention, deprived of food The popular Belarusian media outlet Nasha Niva revealed new details…

Yuliya Charnyauskaya’s health state worsens, as she is kept on house arrest On the day of her house arrest, she had a hypertensive… editor released before trial Alyaksei Shota had his laptop, phone, three old hard drives, and a WRW…

‘USA recognises price Belarus journos have paid’: Envoy Julie Fisher meets with media workers online During the World Press Freedom Day event which was recently…