Jailed Belsat journalist Katsyaryna Andreyeva receives solidarity letter from mayor of Prague

On September 8, the mayor of Prague, Zdenek Hřib, took part in the action supporting Belarusian independent journalists. At the event, he said he had sent a letter of solidarity to political prisoner journalist Katsiaryna Andreyeva kept in the Homiel colony.

Zdeněk Hřib, mayor of Prague. Photo: 420on.cz

At the same time, the mayor noted that the letter “has little chance of getting through prison censorship.”

However, the woman’s relatives found out that she did receive the letter.

Katsyaryna Andreyeva is grateful to the mayor of Prague for her support and solidarity.

She was detained with her colleague, Belsat journalist Darya Chultsova on November 15, 2020 during a live broadcast from the scene of the violent dispersal of protesters by security forces on Perameny Square. On February 18, both were sentenced to two years in jail under Article 342 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus punishing “Organization of actions that grossly violate public order”. The journalists are now serving their sentences in the Homiel women’s correctional colony #4.

You can support our colleagues by writing to them at penal colony #4. 3 Antoshkina St., Homiel, 246035

