letters to political prisoners

Political prisoner Dzyanis Ivashyn’s mother receives no letters from son for over 4 months Lyudmila Ivashyna, the mother of the imprisoned journalist Dzyanis Ivashyn,…

Political prisoner Maksim Znak tells about his transfer to Vitsebsk The prisoner himself believes that he won't stay there for long

Political prisoner Alena Maushuk under pressure in jail, relatives report Alena was deprived of all parcels and visits from her loved…

‘I show good judgement and careful thought,’ human rights activist Marfa Rabkova writes from jail The political prisoner noted that "everything happened and is happening…

Ten inspirational quotes from political prisoners There is now an online museum of letters of Belarusian political prisoners.

Jailed Belsat journalist Katsyaryna Andreyeva receives solidarity letter from mayor of Prague Zdeněk Hřib had no hope that the letter would reach…

Political prisoner Natallia Hersche refuses to ask for pardon insisting she is innocent She feels good, she's not stressed, except she's worried about her…

They met in police van and became pen friends. Story of Darya Chultsova and Maksim A letter is an event because nothing happens in prison.

‘I saw sky, sun for first time in six months’. Belsat TV journo Katsyaryna Andreyeva sends first letter from penal colony On Friday, Ihar Ilyash, the husband of imprisoned Belsat…

Letters to Political Prisoners project: ‘It is first time someone not from my family has written to me’ Residents of the village of Senitsa (Minsk district) write letters…

Prisoners in Brest detention center tortured, inmate claims Brest resident Palina Sharenda-Panasyuk was able to pass a letter to freedom…