They met in police van and became pen friends. Story of Darya Chultsova and Maksim

Darya Chultsova met Maksim in the police van when she and Katsyaryna Andreyeva were detained in an apartment on Perameny Square on November 15.

Maksim and his friend were also detained on that square. They were taken together to the police department. After the police department, Darya ended up behind bars. But Maksim was released – the policemen said there was no room for him in the TDF. Maksim found out from the media what Darya was in for. He found her mother’s number and called her to support her with words.

“And then things started to happen,” says Maksim. The guy started helping his mother with parcels and writing letters to Darya in prison. Darya and Maksim started corresponding. Maksim showed Belsat the letters from Dasha. Maksim’s letters are still behind bars.

Dasha Chultsova’s letter from prison. Homiel, Belarus. Photo shared with the editorial office by her friend Maksim

On the eve of March 8, Dasha asked Maksim to wish her mother a happy birthday.

“Hi, Maxim, I’m writing to you with a request! I didn’t think I would ask, but I really want to please my mom. If you can somehow give my mother a bouquet from me. Maybe there’s a way to buy a small one, and congratulate her on March, 8”.

Letter from Dasha Chultsova from jail. Homiel, Belarus. The photo was shared with the editorial office by her friend Maksim.

Maksim sent the woman 15 white tulips – so Dasha could make her mother happy. Dasha also told him about the flowers she likes. And her dreams.

“I am answering the question about flowers. I adore peonies.

I sometimes thought about skydiving, I watched videos about it. I’ve never even flown in an airplane. I can’t imagine those feelings”.

Dasha Chultsova’s letter from prison. Homiel, Belarus. The photo was shared with the editorial office by her friend Maksim.

Dasha found a way to give the flowers to Maksim as well — she drew them on paper.

A letter from Dasha Chultsova from jail. Homiel, Belarus. A photo was shared with the editorial office by her friend Maksim.

Dasha tells us what she worries about and writes about how important letters are to prisoners.

“I spend all my energy on not getting sick 🙂 Thanks for the vitamins! And I’m glad you’re okay, hopefully so is everyone else…”

Dasha Chultsova’s letter from prison. Homiel, Belarus. The photo was shared with the editorial board by a friend Maksim.

“They bring us our correspondence, about 2 times an hour one of us asks about the letters. So yes, they are very important! You should see our happy faces when they hand us envelopes. Even if they are a pile, and you are snowed under, you have no time for anything, and then there are more and you just do not know how to answer it all, but it’s still so cool to see all these unfamiliar and sometimes familiar names. And you immediately want to hug all of these people and say thank you.”

Dasha Chultsova’s letter from prison. Homiel, Belarus. The photo was shared with the editorial board by her friend Maksim.

“A postcard for you as a thank you for everything you do!”

Thank you for supporting my mom! It made me feel better when she told me that you talk to her and she feels better afterwards.”

Dasha Chultsova’s letter from jail. Homiel, Belarus. The photo was shared with the editorial board by a friend Maksim.

“I’d be on Instagram right now! And if I’m near my loved ones, you and I will take a picture, post it and write any text. People should see the person who supports me so much ?That’s it, I’m waiting for your reply. P. S: And you drew my jump very cool!”

Dasha Chultsova’s letter from prison. Homiel, Belarus. The photo was shared with the editorial board by her friend Maksim.

Letters are an opportunity for prisoners to learn about what happens outside of jail, to feel support. A letter is an event because nothing happens in prison. You can write about anything. It’s important for prisoners not to lose their sense of freedom, made up of little things like real life. Talk about yourself, what you’ve seen, where you’ve been, and what’s going on around you.

If you want a response, put a blank envelope and stamps in the letter.

Write a letter to Dasha Chultsova: Penal Colony No. 4, 3 Antoshkina St., 246035, Homiel.

Alisa Hanchar/
