Two more criminal cases filed against activist Alena Hnauk who remains under arrest

Alena Hnauk regularly receives “gifts from the authorities,” letters from the courts, and the police arrive in bulk. Photo:

After 15 days of arrest, Alena Hnauk was supposed to leave the TDF in Pruzhany, but her relatives never saw her.

“The investigators called and said that new criminal cases were filed against Alena Hnauk. Under one of them, she would stay in the TDF for three more days. Unfortunately, we know nothing more,” relatives of Alena told Belsat.

The pensioner has been in the TDF of Pruzhany since January 11, in violation of the “home chemistry” freedom restriction practice.

Among the “violations” were bags put up on the fence “according to the WRW scheme,” which the police considered picketing. The woman was also fined 50 basic units for that.

Alena was refused parcels, she was refused to read and write. When this happened, Alena went on a hunger strike, her health condition worsened. When Belsat published this information, the police had to justify their actions and say that the woman stopped the hunger strike and felt well.

The pensioner was sentenced to three years of “home chemistry” under two articles of the Criminal Code.
