
Nasha Niva media staff face five years in jail over utility payments They paid for utilities not as legal entities, but as individuals

Photographer Ulad Hrydzin tried and punished for disobeying police during search Hrydzin was in the thick of 2020 protests

‘Picketing’: Young man gets 10 days in jail for having white-red-white strips on backpack On January 17, Ilya Dabradzey, a student of Pinsk teacher…

Russian citizen featured in newspaper detained Is being in a photo a crime now?

US mission to OSCE about Lukashenka’s referendum: ‘International community holds no illusions’ On January 27, Michael Carpenter, US Ambassador to the Organisation…

Two more criminal cases filed against activist Alena Hnauk who remains under arrest She was supposed to leave the TDF but never did

Minsk: Trial of political prisoner Alyaksandr Vasilevich to be held behind closed doors Savetski district court of Minsk started hearing the case of political…

‘Revolutionary Action’ case sent to court. 10 political prisoners involved in it The Belarusian Investigative Committee has submitted the case of human rights…

Police raid journos’ places, editorial office in Mahiliou region The place of Byalynichy-based journalist Barys Vyrvich was searched on Friday morning,…