Interior Ministry claims it prevented two terrorist attacks by ByPol

The Belarus Interior Minister Henadz Kazakevich. Screenshot of the press service of the Interior Ministry

The official telegram channel of the Interior Ministry reported that alleged traces of planned terrorist attacks lead to the ByPol initiative.

According to the police, the detainee rented an apartment in Minsk and worked in a private company.

KGB investigators opened a criminal case over an attempt to commit an act of terrorism. Joint investigative actions are under way.

It is reported that the man has been repeatedly prosecuted as an active participant in the protest movement since last summer, regularly attending Sunday marches.

The alleged perpetrator was in contact with the ByPol initiative. It is from the ByPol representative that the man allegedly received instructions in an instant messenger to carry out an explosion on the territory of an internal affairs body building or a military formation on the eve of the Freedom Day.

“It was this initiative, which is closely connected with the so-called Tsikhanouskaya coordinating council, that actively urged citizens to join illegal mass events on March 25 and warned of allegedly prepared provocations by the authorities. In fact, the preparation of terrorist acts was carried out under the auspices of BYPOL,” said Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Henadz Kazakevich.

At the request of Belsat, ByPol, the initiative involving former Belarusian law enforcement officers, commented on the statement of the Interior Ministry.

“We have foiled the plans of the authorities to carry out a terrorist attack. In response, we were accused of its preparation. The main thing is that we saved people’s lives”.

On March 24, ByPol stated that it had received information that the authorities were preparing a terrorist attack, which would justify the introduction of the state of emergency. According to ByPol sources, on March 25, the forces of the State Security Committee were preparing an act of terrorism in a building of the internal affairs as part of a plan to discredit the protest movement and eliminate it completely.
