Activist Zmitser Paliyenka detained in Minsk

On July 27th, activist of the anarchist movement Zmitser Paliyenka was detained in a Minsk police department. He had spent only two days at large.

His wife Anastasia reported on the detention of Paliyenka. According to her, Zmitser has to get report to the police department on Mondays. When he went to check in yesterday, he was detained but he managed to inform his father about it by phone. Paliyenka now has to serve the administrative arrest, which the activist was sentenced to last week.

Paliyenka was arrested on July 8th, he was punished with administrative arrest several times in a row. The administration of the detention facility told him that the total term of arrest should have been 45 days. He spent 17 days behind bars and was released on 25 July, but only for two days.
