
Anarchists sentenced to long prison terms in Minsk They were detained last year near the Ukrainian border

Criminal case opened against mother of anarchist Khalilau Political prisoner Gayane Akhtian was detained in late November under an administrative…

Trial of four anarchists charged with terrorism held behind closed doors Only the relatives and the Russian media were allowed in.

Political prisoner Mikalai Dzyadok to stand trial in late June It has become known when anarchist activist Mikalai Dziadok will be tried.

Three criminal cases opened against political prisoner Mikalai Dzyadok The Main Directorate for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption (GUBAZiK) and a…

Anarchist Dzyadok detained and beaten by police According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was hiding in a safe…

Activist Zmitser Paliyenka detained in Minsk He had spent only two days at large.

Heavy jail terms for two Belarusian anarchists (UPD) On Wednesday, Belarusian anarchists Mikita Yemyalyanau and Ivan Komar have been sentenced…

Russia: Seven defendants in Network case get heavy prison terms The verdict has been handed down by three judges of the Volga…

Two Belarusian anarchists to appear before court soon The trial of anarchists Mikita Yemyalyanau and Ivan Komar is to kick…