Anarchist Dzyadok detained and beaten by police

Mikalai Dzyadok. Photo:

One of the leaders of the anarchist movement in Belarus, Mikalai Dzyadok, has been detained, the telegram channel of the Belarus Interior Ministry reports.

Suspicions about the arrest of the activist arose after information criticizing the protest and protesters appeared in his Telegram channel. They were later confirmed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, stating that “the employees of the GUBOPiK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs detained 32-year-old Minsk resident Mikalai Dzyadok, who for several years had administered the radical Telegram channel Mikola, where he publicly called people to participation in mass riots and the commission of ‘direct’ actions”.

As stated, the activist was hiding in a safe house in the village of Sasnovy of the Osipovichy district. It is noted that there the police found foreign bank cards and large amounts of money in different currencies, Molotov cocktails, leaflets, stickers, protest paraphernalia and computer equipment.

“The defendant is actively cooperating with the investigating authorities and gives confessions,” the Interior Ministry said.

The published video footage shows that Mikalai Dzyadok was severely beaten.

Mikalai Dzyadok was born in 1988. He was arrested on September 3, 2010 in the case of an “attack on the Russian Embassy” on the night of August 31 in Minsk. On May 27, 2011, he was sentenced to 4.5 years of imprisonment in a high security colony. He was recognized as a political prisoner.

Five days before the expiration of the term on February 26, 2015, a Mahiliou court sentenced the political prisoner under Article 411 of the Criminal Code which is “willful disobedience to the demands of the administration” to 1 year of imprisonment in a strict regime colony. He was pardoned on August 22, 2015.

Subsequently, he was repeatedly detained under administrative charges.
