Mikalai Dzyadok

Political prisoner Mikalai Dzyadok gets 5 years in jail. He reported being tortured by police On November 10, Minsk City Court passed a verdict in…

Mother of five Volha Zalatar to stand trial in mid November in Minsk The trial of 38-year-old political prisoner Volha Zalatar is to start in…

Prosecutor demands 5 years in jail for Mikalai Dzyadok. He reported being tortured by police On November 3, Minsk City Court resumed the trial of…

Belarus authorities may disbar another lawyer defending political prisoner The Belarusian Justice Ministry has launched a disciplinary investigation against the…

Pillow-stifling, tear gas, threats of rape: Mikalai Dzyadok gives statement about torture by police

Political prisoner Mikalai Dzyadok to stand trial in late June It has become known when anarchist activist Mikalai Dziadok will be tried.

Political prisoner Dzyadok’s case taken to prosecutor’s office Official charges have been brought against blogger and activist Mikalai Dzyadok. He…

Three criminal cases opened against political prisoner Mikalai Dzyadok The Main Directorate for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption (GUBAZiK) and a…

Anarchist Dzyadok put on prison preventive treatment list Allegedly he is prone to extremism.

Investigative Committee refuses to investigate torture of Mikalai Dzyadok Activist Mikalai Dzyadok remains in custody.

Belsat, TUT.BY journos Andreyeva, Chultsova, Barysevich recognised as prisoners of conscience On November 24, Belarusian human rights watchdogs recognised another 11…

Anarchist movement activist Dzyadok charged Activist pleads not guilty

Anarchist Dzyadok detained and beaten by police According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he was hiding in a safe…

Minsk: Police search youth activists’ homes On November 12, security forces started raiding the homes of university activists -…

Minsk police detain anarchist movement activist On March 19, the police detained Belarusian anarchist and former political prisoner Mikalai…