Investigative Committee refuses to investigate torture of Mikalai Dzyadok

The activist Mikalai Dzyadok remains in custody.

Alyaksandr Dzyadok, Father of political prisoner and anarchist activist Mikalai Dzyadok, has told Radio Liberty that the complaint about torture during Mikalai’s detention had not been satisfied by the law enforcement agencies. The Investigative Committee refused to conduct an inspection.

Mikalai has been kept for two months in the detention center in Valadarski Street in Minsk over the charges of preparing riots.

“Yesterday it was exactly two months since the day of his detention. He was supposed to be either released or put on trial. Neither of this happened. It leads us to the conclusion that his arrest has been extended. It is unknown for how long, we have not yet seen the documents,” said Mikalai’s father Alyaksandr Dzyadok.

In the video, published by the press service of the agency, Mikalai Dzyadok looked badly beaten. He is being accused of organizing actions that grossly violate public order (Article 342 of the Criminal Code). The activist pleads not guilty.
