Administrative Code amended to include new punishments and huge fines

Members of the House of Representatives are working on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, TUT.BY writes.

According to TUT.BY, the draft amendments to the Administrative Code is through the first reading in the House of Representatives. It is expected that the new version of the Code of Administrative Offenses will enter into force on January 1, 2021. First of all, the new Code will toughen liability for participation in unauthorized rallies.

MSLU students massively went to the solidarity rally on October 30. Photo:

The arrest under Article 23.34 can be increased from 15 to 30 days, and the amount of the fine increased to 100 basic unit for the first time and 200 basic for the second violation (and the article number was changed, but its meaning is the same).

The fine can be increased from 50 to 100 basic units for “disobeying a lawful order or the requirement of an official in the exercise of his official powers”.

A new article is also planned. It will punish “illegal use of flags, pennants, emblems, production, distribution of posters, emblems and symbols” with a fine of up to 20 basic units. Individuals may get fined.

Students of the Academy of Arts took part in the solidarity event on October 30. Photo: Belsat
  • Protests in Belarus have been going on since August 9. During this time, at least 15 thousand people were arrested, many of them were beaten, some were raped, at least 6 people were killed. More than 350 people have been detained over criminal cases.
  • The human rights community have recognized 102 people as political prisoners.
