Belarus expands list of ‘red zone’ countries

Starting from October 22, the rules of entry and transfer through the country will change. For example, upon returning from 28 countries that were not previously on the list, you must observe a 10-day quarantine.

For those who come to Belarus

The Ministry of Health has updated the list of countries in the “red zone”. There returned 28 countries that were previously deleted. Among them are Poland and Lithuania. Arriving from the “red zone”, you must observe the 10-day self-isolation.

Those who come from the countries of the “green zone” must present an original medical document in Belarusian, Russian or English with a negative PCR test for COVID-19 issued no more than 72 hours before crossing the Belarusian border. The certificate must contain the name and surname of the passenger, as well as the results of laboratory tests for coronavirus.

Example photo. Source:

For transit passengers

Travelers in transit arriving from the “red zones” must present documents, confirm their planned departure from Belarus within 24 hours, a certificate of the PCR test is not required. If there are no documents confirming the refusal, transit passengers can move through the territory within the territory within 24 hours. The enactment of requirements will be monitored by border officials.

Passengers traveling in transit through the territory of Belarus from the countries of the “green zone” can cross the border without a medical certificate and additional control.
