Belarus top brass claim they predicted war in Ukraine long before it

The General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces predicted the conflict in Ukraine two years before it broke out, Pavel Muraveyka, Deputy Head of the General Staff and Head of the Main Operations Directorate, said in a recent interview with the state-run media outlet

“We had predicted and assessed the events that took place in neighboring Ukraine two years before their beginning,” Muraveyka stressed.

He also recalled the last year’s endorsement of Belarus’ Defense Plan and Concept for Forming and Developing the Armed Forces.

“After we detected from where a threat might come, we are trying to minimize it at an early stage, i.e. intelligence, electronic warfare, information warfare, covering-up and other elements [are involved]. Like in a chess game, we factored in and modelled the most urgent, complicated, even unbelievable situations that may arise; then we have defined the ways and forms of defending the country,” the top military official added.

Belarus unwilling to be part of NATO-Russia conflict – Pentagon ex-rep (interview)
