Belsat journalists detained again, this time in Salihorsk

Belsat journalists Alyaksandr Barazenka and Halina Abakunchyk were detained after their meeting with Viktar Babaryka in Salihorsk. About three hours later, they were released from the police station.

Before the detention, Alyaksandr Barazenka and Halina Abakunchyk managed to communicate that they were chased by a minibus with transit number plates at the exit of the city. Later, their car was stopped by the traffic police, after which a third car arrived.

It is known that the journalists were detained by Lieutenant Colonel Aleh Shalokha, head of the law enforcement and prevention department of Salihorsk police. Apparently, they are charged under Article 22.9 of the Code of Administrative Offences (Violation of the Law on Mass Media) – for work without accreditation.

At about 10 p.m., Alyaksandr Barazenka was released. At 11 p.m., a policeman on duty reported that Halina Abakunchyk was also released.


In recent months, our journalists have been repeatedly detained in different cities of Belarus. This happened after pickets to collect signatures for nomination of candidates for the elections.
