persecution of Belsat TV

Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy: Recognition of Belsat and its audience as ‘extremist formation’ is intimidation

Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy

Hlybokaye: Belsat TV contributor heavily fined over making news story about Belarus police On May 25, local journalist Zmitser Lupach was tried in Hlybokaye…

Mahiliou journo to be tried for one-minite interview granted to Belsat TV The Mahiliou police drew a protocol upon local ournalist Alina Skrabunova,…

Online petition: Belarusians call on Western leaders to push for release of jailed Belsat journos The Belarusian House in Warsaw started collecting signatures under the…

Arrested media workers Andreyeva, Chultsova, Barysevich become Journalists of the Year Belarusian human rights watchdogs awarded TUT.BY journalist Katsyaryna Barysevich, Belsat reporter…

Belsat journalists persecuted after elections amid rising repression figures Since August 9, the journalistic community of Belarus has been experiencing…

Belsat journalist Yauhen Merkis sentenced to 15 days of arrest The journalist was detained on September 14 along with his colleague Maryna…

Belsat journalists detained again, this time in Salihorsk They were later released

One more case opened against Belsat TV contributor Another administrative case has been initiated against Zmitser Lupach, a journalist from the…