Hlybokaye: Belsat TV contributor heavily fined over making news story about Belarus police

On May 25, local journalist Zmitser Lupach was tried in Hlybokaye district court.

It took judge Andrey Tarasevich only 14 minutes to consider the case. He found the reporter guilty of working for Belsat TV which is not accredited by the Belarusian Foreign Ministry. The reason for drawing an administrative protocol upon Lupach was his contributing to the news item about the Belarusian police (watch video above). As a result, the journalist has got a fine of 870 rubles (nearly $350).

Unfortunately, it is not the end for today; Zmitser Lupach will also have to appear before Braslau district court on Tuesday. The Belarusian authorities are going to hold him liable foe making the news story about a local mental hospital.

Belsat contributor Lupach discharged from hospital and expected in detention facility

Since early 2021, Zmitser Lupach has been fined at least six times for ‘cooperating with an unaccredited foreign media outlet’.

A year ago, after being punished with ten days in custody for his alleged participation in a mass event, the Belsat contributor became sick due to high blood pressure; an ambulance car took him away. It should be noted that Zmitser Lupach was present at protest rallies, but he just performed his journalistic duties by filming and covering the protests. Upon the discharge from hospital, he was ordered to come to the local detention facility and immediately start serving his term.

Internet as crime scene. How I dared to speak out without authorities’ permission

