Zmitser Lupach

Authorities release several journos, activists detained in recent ‘operation’. Nasha Niva employees still in jail On July 11, detained Belsat TV journalist Zmitser Lupach…

KGB reports ‘large-scale clean-up operation’. Results of Thursday’s attack on press and activists On July 8, Belarusian security agencies carried out a large-scale…

Hlybokaye: Belsat TV contributor heavily fined over making news story about Belarus police On May 25, local journalist Zmitser Lupach was tried in Hlybokaye…

Two Belsat TV contributors detained in Dokshytsy over filming in central square On April 13, Belsat TV journalists Zmitser Lupach and Alena Shabunya…

Belsat journalists detained, tried amid protests Over the past days, our contributors have been covering the elections and protests…

Lukashenka is after Belsat journalists — new reportage Our story is about Belsat journalists, who have to take risks every…

Freelance journalist gets hefty fine for contribution to Belsat TV On May 26, Zmitser Lupach, a journalist from the town of Hlybokaye,…

Vitsebsk court rejects Belsat TV contributor’s appeal On May 22, Vitsebsk Regional Court heard a case against Belsat TV…

One more case opened against Belsat TV contributor Another administrative case has been initiated against Zmitser Lupach, a journalist from the…

Belsat contributor Lupach discharged from hospital and expected in detention facility He is to return to the detention center on Monday.

OSCE, RSF urge Belarus authorities to release four sentenced journalists The OSCE Media Freedom representative and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have…

After sentence: Belsat TV contributor taken to hospital On Monday, Zmitser Lupach, a freelance journalist from the town of Hlybokaye,…

Belarus: Activists tried in bulk, Belsat TV contributors detained In the run-up to Victory Day celebrations, the Belarusian police are detaining…

Belsat TV contributor to stand trial over interview by phone Another protocol was drawn upon Zmitser Lupach, a journalist from the town…

Belsat contributor fined over news story about children’s playground A Sharkaushchyna court has considered the case against freelance journalist Zmitser Lupach…