Belsat journalists detained, tried amid protests

Over the past days, our contributors have been covering the elections and protests in different parts of our country. They are facing persecution for performing their professional duties.

Our journalist from Hlybokaye Zmitser Lupach has been sent to jail for 5 days.

Hrodna based journalist Alyaksei Kairys will appear before a circuit court. Yan Roman was brutally detained near Kastrychnitski district office of internal affairs.

Investigative journalist Stanislau Ivashkevich was detained in Minsk. According to some sources, he has been jailed.

Lukashenka is after Belsat journalists — new reportage

Zmitser Kazakevich and Ihar Matveyeu have been taken into custody Vitsebsk.

Vitsebsk-based journalist Vyachaslau Lazarau was detained and later released. The same happened to Homiel based Yauhen Merkis, Alyaksandr Sayenka (Hrodna) and Darya Chultsova (Mahiliou), Iryna Slaunikava and Katsyaryna Tkachenka (Minsk).

In Brest, the local police detained Milana Kharytonava and Ales Lyauchuk.

Crackdown on protesters in Minsk (Warning: shocking content)
