Belsat movie to screen at festival in Spain

The short film “I Need the Handshakes” by Andrei Kutsila is in the program of the International Film Festival in Spain. This is a touching story about the poetess Tatsiana Babrytskaya and her mother, paralyzed from birth.

The 48th Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca is held in Teatro Olimpia, Spain. Because of the pandemic, all films are shown free of charge on the festival’s online platform.

“It’s an Oscar qualifying film festival, it’s really prestigious to be in. For the film “I Need the Handshakes” it is the third such film festival,” says director Andrei Kutsila.

The film tells a story about 92-year-old Valyantsina, who in the remote village of Shchuchyn district takes care of her paralyzed daughter Tatsiana.

“She can’t even drive a mosquito away,” her mother said.

Tatsiana’s whole life is taking place around stacks of notebooks with her poems and drawings, which her mother wanted to burn in despair.

“Mother understands that she’s dying, and nobody wants these poems,” says the film director.

What is a paralyzed woman thinking about? What does she hope for and what does she find comfort in? The director of the film invites you on a journey into the lost and forgotten world of the poetess. It is a touching story about the sacrifice of a mother who does not give up her child under any circumstances.

Andrei Kutsila’s film “I Need the Handshakes” this year has won a special award at the 60th Krakow Film Festival. We wish it the best of luck at the festival in Spain too!

You can watch other Andrei Kutsila’s films on our website.

Anastasia Ilyina/Belsat
