
Belsat documentary receives major award at Neisse Film Festival The movie "When the flowers are not silent" produced by Belsat has…

I Am the Coordinator. Why Women Took to the Streets Since August 15, every Saturday in Minsk, Belarusians went to a Women’s…

The Country to Live in This is the story of Dzmitryy Lukomski and Vyaleta Mayshuk, members of the "The…

To Go and Not Come back… Episode 3 Today everyone says that Roman simply could not have provoke a conflict, because…

Where Is My Flag? In the documentary “Where Is My Flag?” a story is told about the struggle…

To Go and Not Come back… Episode 2 Alaxandr Vikhor (Sasha) did not vote in the presidential election and did not…

To Be Called Humans. The Kupalarites The film is an attempt to recreate the events of August 2020 that…

To Go and Not Come Back The documentary will tell us who was the people who perished during the protests…

Torture Center. Stories from Belarusian Detention Center People arrested in the first days of protests and tortured in the…

“Show Us on the BT” BT, ONT and STV are the three main national channels that have long served…

Solidary Białystok Białystok is an important place among the solidary cities. Firstly, because of its close…

This is Just the Beginning Election day, queue in front of the election commission. Pavel Zhuk records the queue…

Zmitser Dzyadok on his films about people on sidelines of life Director Zmitser Dzyadok made friends with an ex-convict and a patient of…

Belsat movie to screen at festival in Spain he short film "I Need the Handshakes" by Andrei Kutsila is in the…

BELSAT SMART – available now! Our new app provides another convenient, simple way to watch Belsat TV in…