BPF urges CEC not to register Lukashenka as presidential candidate

The Central Election Commission has received a complaint from the BPF Party, demanding to deny registration to presidential candidate Alyaksandr Lukashenka. According to the press service of the party, the head of state has committed a number of violations.

The BPF Party believes that there are many reasons for refusing to register Alyaksandr Lukashenka as presidential candidate. In particular, the party cites evidence of Lukashenka’s use of administrative resources, the use of state funding and other material resources by his initiative group, as well as the creation of unequal conditions and repression against other candidates for presidency.

“Lukashenka also conducts his own election campaign unscrupulously, despite the minimal restrictions imposed by the election legislation. And I think it’s unacceptable to leave the unprecedented abuse of administrative resources, which we see during this election campaign, without proper assessment,” commented on the complaint of the BPF Party Chairman Ryhor Kastusiou.

