EU calls on Belarusian authorities to release detained journos

Brussels demands that the Belarusian authorities immediately release five independent journalists who were detained and sentenced to administrative arrest last week, deutsche Welle reports with reference to the statement by EEAS press team representative Peter Stano.

The European Union is concerned over the situation of Zmitser Lupach, Ales Asiptsou, Alyaksandr Burakou Sr and his nephew Alyaksandr Burakou Jr. Mikhail Arshynski. According to Peter Stano, all of them covered public rallies in support of popular Belarusian vlogger Syarhei Tsikhanouski who announced his intention to run for presidency.

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Ensuring media freedom is of particular importance in the context of the 2020 presidential election scheduled for August 9, the statement reads. In this regard, the European Union insists on the immediate release of reporters and wants the authorities the journalists’ right to carry out professional duties without fear or any interference in their work.

Zmitser Lupach and Mikhail Arshynski have been Belsat TV long-time contributors.

OSCE, RSF urge Belarus authorities to release four sentenced journalists
