Fewer pneumonia cases after parade, Lukashenka claims

During the recent meeting with his administration and government, Alyaksandr Lukashenka said that Belarus had recorded a decline in pneumonia. He also commented on the parade, held on May 9th to the local TV station ONT.

The head of state noted that there had been no increase in the number of cases after the parade.

“People are in the open, it is not worse than if they would be locked somewhere. There were also military men, and those who had gone through the illness… But still, in their souls, in their hearts there was some kind of caution. Well, what did we get? In Minsk, there was a significant decrease in pneumonia cases — a twofold decrease yesterday. And yesterday, I thought: God, help us to continue like this with pneumonia. In the sense that we hospitalized and discharged people — and it’s gone down, and not only in Minsk — we’ve got an extra bed just in case of illness,” said Lukashenka.

The cough leading to pneumonia is one of the main symptoms of coronavirus.

In Belarus, according to official statistics, the number of reported cases of COVID-19 infection has reached 24,873. Over 140 people have died.
