Freedom Day celebrations in Belarus

The organizers of the Hrodna celebration cancelled the street party because of the coronavirus situation.

Hrodna residents have solemnly read out the charter of the BNR and sang The Chase anthem. Photo: Vasiliy Molchanov /Belsat.

The organizers of BNR-102 have solemnly pronounced a historical document and sang The Chase anthem by Maksim Bahdanovich. According to historians, the Third Charter, which announced the independence of Belarus, was approved and read out at dawn on March 25, 1918.

Hrodna residents have solemnly read out the charter of the BNR and sang The Chase anthem. Photo: Vasiliy Molchanov /Belsat.

Thus, activists from different parties and organizations reminded the people about the historical continuity, as well as stated that all their activities were aimed at achieving the goals set by the founding fathers of the BNR.

Initially it was planned that the Freedom Day would be held in Hrodna as a street party, as it was last year. The situation with the coronavirus changed everything:

“Everyone is afraid, it’s a natural state. For this reason, this year’s mass action on the Freedom Day was cancelled by the organizers. At the same time, we comply with all sanitary standards. Coming here, for example, everyone at once disinfected their hands,” said the head of the BPF in Hrodna region, Vadzim Saranchukou.

Вялікі нацыянальны сцяг замацоўвалі яшчэ амаль зацемна. Фота — Васіль Малчанаў/«Белсат»
Гарадзенцы ўрачыста зачыталі грамату і праспявалі ‘Пагоню’. Фота — Васіль Малчанаў/«Белсат»
Гарадзенцы ўрачыста зачыталі грамату і праспявалі ‘Пагоню’. Фота — Васіль Малчанаў/«Белсат»
Гарадзенцы ўрачыста зачыталі грамату і праспявалі ‘Пагоню’. Фота — Васіль Малчанаў/«Белсат»
Вадзім Саранчукоў, кіраўнік БНФ па Гарадзеншчыне. Фота — Васіль Малчанаў/«Белсат»
Гарадзенцы ўрачыста зачыталі грамату і праспявалі ‘Пагоню’. Фота — Васіль Малчанаў/«Белсат»
Вялікі нацыянальны сцяг замацоўвалі яшчэ амаль зацемна. Фота — Васіль Малчанаў/«Белсат»

Hrodna also has a number of events planned during the day: from the opening of the exhibition, dedicated to the celebration of March 25 in different years, to laying flowers at the cemetery.

Photo by Vasil Malchanau
