Freedom Day

Woman fined for wearing white and red colors on Freedom Day Irina was fined 90 basic units (2,610 rubles)

Over 200 persons detained in Belarus on Freedom Day Volunteers and human rights activists report mass detentions that took place in…

Law enforcers detain 12 people over suspected participation in mass riots The case file has already gone to court.

In solidarity with Belarusian people: Baltic states blacklist more regime officials on Freedom Day Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have expand their national blacklists of…

‘We started writing history of new Belarus.’ Tsikhanouskaya addresses compatriots on Freedom Day On March 25, Belarusian opposition leader Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya sent greetings…

Pressure on opposition parties’ leaders: Kazlou in hospital, Barysau in remand prison Mikalai Kazlou, Chairman of the United Civic Party of Belarus (UCPB),…

Chairman of Belarusian Social Democratic Party Barysau jailed The politician, who was detained on March 21, was held in jail.

Opposition politician Pavel Latushka calls on Belarusians to take to streets on Freedom Day On Friday, Pavel Latushka, Head of the People’s Anti-Crisis Administration…

Freedom Day concert organizers say Internet was jammed This season concert was recorded

Belarusians celebrate Freedom Day offline and online Mass celebrations of the 102nd anniversary of the proclamation of the BNR…

Belarusian Freedom Day: Iconic musician sets famous poet’s lines into song On the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the proclamation of…

Mahiliou: Freedom Day celebration held off due to pandemic In Mahiliou, the celebration of Freedom Day has been moved to late…

Freedom Day celebrations in Belarus The organizers cancelled the street party because of the coronavirus situation.

Belarusian opposition wants to celebrate Freedom Day in special location The application was filed for 2 March, 2020.