Head of presidential candidate Cherachan’s campaign office detained

On August 7, the local police detained Mikalai Lysyankou, the leader of Syarhei Cherachan’s election team, near a polling station in the town of Stoubtsy.

The headquarters published a video of the detention:

The policemen told Lysyankou that an administrative proceeding was opened against him under Art. 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (violation of the rules of organising or holding mass events).

According to preliminary information, Mikalai Lysyankou might have been placed under arrest for at least 72 hours.

Lysyankou acted as an independent election observer during early voting that started on August, 4. Since then, dozens of observers have been detained in various parts of Belarus; some of them have been santenced to administrative arrest, the initiative Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections reports.

Complaints unwelcome? Independent election observer detained in Minsk

