Investigative Committee refuses to open case against Lukashenka

Yuri Hubarevich, head of the movement “For Freedom!” has said that the Investigative Committee had sent a response to his earlier statement, in which the politician demanded to initiate a criminal case against Alyaksandr Lukashenka.

The investigators responded to the leader of the “For Freedom!” movement, as well as the representative of the Coordination Council Yury Hubarevich, to his demand to initiate a criminal case under the article: seizure of state power.

“The Investigative Committee refused to open a case under Part 3 of Article 357 of the Criminal Code (Conspiracy or other measures committed with the aim of seizing state power, resulting in the death of people or associated with murder) in relation to citizen Alyaksandr Lukashenka.

You can see why. Indeed, under this article, a good half of the workers of the Investigative Committee will have to be involved as accomplices,” noted Yury Hubarevich.

Photo: Facebook of Yury Hubarevich

The politician adds that in its response with the refusal to initiate a criminal case, the IC indicates that the appeal is of a general nature, therefore there is not enough facts and evidence.

“In fact, the evidence base is growing every day. And the case will definitely get a move. Already under the new government,” Yury Hubarevich sums up.
