Lukashenka denies COVID-19 deaths, but counts on Europe in combatting pandemic


Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has made more comments on the coronavirus situation in the country and the world during Tuesday’s a visit to the company Slavyanka in Mahiliou region.

According to him, the coronavirus has become a political issue. Everyone wants to ‘snap’ at Lukashenka because Belarus is behaving differently, he complained.

“We have preserved the [healthcare] system and set it to rights. Thus, we appear to be more or less ready to confront this infection and not only this one,” Alyaksandr Lukashenka stressed.

WHO recommends Belarus take more severe measures to prevent COVID-19 spread

However, the Belarusian leader has again denied the coronavirus deaths in the country.

“People around the world are poking fun at me, in particular in Russia (as if they had nothing else to discuss) quoting me saying that Belarus has no coronavirus deaths yet. I want to reiterate: no one even here, in Mahiliou region, has died of coronavirus. They all die of chronic diseases, while any virus hit the weakest people with immunodeficiency. That was what I meant,” state-run news agency BelTA quotes him.

At the same time, the president does count on Europe’s rendering financial aid to Belarus. He promises that the funds received will be allocated to bringing the country’s healthcare system up to date.

“Europe, in particular, its international banks and foundations, will lend us a shoulder to support our health service,” Lukashenka added.

As of April 21, the number of the people who contracted the coronavirus infection has totalled to 6,723 in Belarus, 55 COVID-19 patients have died. However, the Belarusian authorities have not introduced any tough quarantine measures yet. The head of state believes that imposing a nationwide lockdown would not improve the situation in Belarus. In his opinion, such steps might deal a crippling blow to the daily life of Belarusians.

Belarus authorities defy coronavirus crisis, but ask EU for money to combat it
