Lukashenka lobbies electric transport amid falling oil prices

Lukashenka at a meeting. Photo:

On 9 March Alyaksandr Lukashenka discussed the development of electric transport in the country with the Council of Ministers’ leadership.

According to the head of Belarus, the uncertainty with the price of oil and, consequently, price of fuel proves that electric transport has enormous potential. According to him, the development of electric transport is not a fashion statement bot “an urgent necessity”.

“We will launch two units of the nuclear power plant very soon. We can produce more electricity. So why aren’t we shifting today, with time to spare, towards electric transport, towards higher electricity consumption? This is a substitute for hydrocarbons,” he said.

Lukashenka noted that he had already demonstrated the capabilities of the electric car to push the society “to desire to move in that direction”. At the same time, he recalled his instruction to create a Belarusian electric car.

According to him, electricity from the BelNPP should make electric energy for cars cheaper than gasoline and diesel fuel.

“Then people will be happy to buy EVs” said the head of Belarus.

It should be noted that the development of electric transport in Belarus to reduce the use of oil was discussed during a record fall in oil prices since 1991.
