Over 200 people injured during protests, Health Ministry reports

The Ministry of Health has published data on the number of victims of police actions on Tuesday afternoon.

Special forces armed with Kalashnikovs in Minsk. Photo: Yury Rudakou

They assured that all the victims were provided with the necessary medical care.

“During the last 2 days, after the unauthorized street rallies, the citizens with various injuries turned to the emergency medical services and hospitals for help. At present, just over 200 people are being treated in the hospitals of the Republic, including those with bruised soft tissues and injuries to limbs. Several people have been hospitalized with craniocerebral traumas as well as chest and abdominal injuries. Mostly minor injuries are observed. A number of patients required surgery. Their condition is now stable,” the report says.

They confirmed the death of one person.

Meanwhile, Belsat is receiving stories from readers who were brutally beaten during the demonstrations.

Barricades, hope, dispersal: Monday’s protest spot in Minsk (photo report)

