police abuse

Rechytsa: Police hunting for friends of man who passed away after being detained The human rights centre Viasna reports the detention of at least…

Rechytsa police beat local resident to death on New Year’s Eve, family claims On New Year's Eve, the police took Dzmitry Uskhopau, a 27-year-old…

Musician and activist Ihar Bantser finally tried after 10 days of hunger strike Ihar lost a lot of weight.

Belarus citizen seeks to initiate criminal prosecution against Hrodna OMON in Czechia A Belarusian citizen who asked journalists not to reveal his true…

Hrodna: Authorities may seize another ventilator from kids’ hospice. Its head took part in protests On January 12, the Department of Financial Investigations raided a…

40 days pass since death of Raman Bandarenka. Criminal case still not opened Minsk resident Raman Bandarenka passed away on November, 12 at the…

Leaked video: Post-election abuse and violence in police department in Minsk On December 17, By_Pol, the campaign created by opposition-minded people who…

Human rights activist Rabkova still in custody despite 200 bail pledges

March Against Fascism: Day 106 of Protests (LIVE) In response to repression, protesters changed tactics

Police threaten musician to take away her children Musician, artist, presenter and former BT employee Katsyaryna Vadanosava was threatened by an…

Interior Ministry comments on brutal student detentions The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus does not admit the fact…

Police abuse and rape threat go unpunished? Minsker’s story of post-election detention Belsat.eu continues to publish stories shared by the victims of police…

Over 620 detained Belarusians in Sunday’s protests – HRC Viasna According to estimates by media outlets, around 100,000 people took part in…

Another 20 people recognized as political prisoners In total, there are almost a hundred political prisoners in our country…

Minsk prosecutors refuse to report on probe into torture cases in Akrestsin prison The prosecutor's office of Minsk is holding back information about their…