Over 620 detained Belarusians in Sunday’s protests – HRC Viasna

Мinsk, 11 october 2020. Photo: Gavriil Grigorov / TASS / Forum

According to estimates by media outlets, around 100,000 people took part in the March of Honour in Minsk on October, 11. The rallies were also held in other Belarusian cities and towns.

At 12.30 pm on Monday human rights centre Viasna has reported that over 620 persons were detained throughout Belarus a day before. Some of them have been released; the list of detainees is being updated.

The participants in Sunday’s March were facing inexorable pressure from siloviki: water cannons, tear gas, flashbang grenades, rubber bullets were used against them. The protests in the Belarusian capital lasted far into the night. In a number of districts, Minskers blocked roads and burned car tires.

About 40 Belarusian journalists were detained when they were covering the marches across the country. As of 9.50 pm, 14 representatives of independent media were kept in Kastrychnitski district police department of Minsk; overnight into Monday, 12 of them were released. Administrative protocols were drawn upon each of them over allegedly disobedience to policemen’s orders. Many had their mobile phones and cameras seized.

Belsat TV contributor Zmitser Mitskevich, whom the police grabbed on Sunday morning, was transferred to the detention centre in Akrestsin Street. He is charged under Art. 23.34 and 23.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (participation in an unauthorised event and disobedience to the police).

10th protest Sunday in row: Thousands of participants in Minsk (photos)

