Zmitser Mitskevich

Why do Putin and Lukashenka need a fake coup attempt? Lukashenka claims to have prevented an attempt at an armed coup prepared…

Over 620 detained Belarusians in Sunday’s protests – HRC Viasna According to estimates by media outlets, around 100,000 people took part in…

At least 40 journos detained in Belarus before and during today’s protests The post-election protests have been lasting for over two months in…

Belsat wins Investigative Journalism award Stanislau Ivashkevich and Dzmitry Mitskevich have received the award in the Investigative Journalism…

Lukashenka is after Belsat journalists — new reportage Our story is about Belsat journalists, who have to take risks every…

Detention live: Police after two Belsat TV journalists in Maladzechna Soon after today’s rally of presidential candidate Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya in the town…

Hrodna: Eight policemen detain Belsat crew over livestream, camera seized On June 10, journalist Zmitser Mitskevich and cameraman Syarhei Kavaliou who…