Playing banks: Fraudsters raise money to ‘combat COVID-19’

A new fraudulent scheme has been launched amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the Belarusian BPS Sberbank warns on its website.

According to the bank, the ‘official’ newsletters the crooks are sending to customers inform people that in complying with the corresponding resolution by Belarus’ Council of Ministers, BPS Sberbank has made the unilateral decision to transfer the interests on deposits to a ‘foundation fighting the coronavirus’.

“Please be sure that the bank has never distributed mailings of such kind; moreover, the existence of the above mentioned resolution is a lie”, the official statement by BPS Sberbank reads.

The bank employees call on Belarusians not to reply to such letters and not to follow the links included in the suspicious messages. In addition, one should refrain from sharing passwords received in SMS texts and the bank card data with anyone.
