Police banned from leaving and entering Vitsebsk region

The Belarusian Interior Ministry has banned policemen from leaving and visiting Vitsebsk region and significantly restricted their movements in the country.

At least several policemen are now in quarantine.

This information was published by the NEXTA telegram channel. In the commentary for TUT.by, the press service of the Interior Ministry confirmed that the Vitsebsk region will not be theonly one affected by the restrictions.

TUT.by sources in the police say that on March 27, they received an order from Interior Minister Yury Karayeu banning the personnel from entering and leaving the Vitsebsk region.

“In general, our department staff was recommended to avoid all business trips to regions. Employees can go outside their region in case of the most urgent need. And to date, none of our employees has actually gone on business trips to other regions. This is done for epidemiological purposes: to avoid contacts, prevent viral diseases,” Interior Ministry spokeswoman Volha Chamadanava told TUT.by.

She also noted that several policemen in the Vitsebsk region are now being examined for coronavirus.


Meanwhile, restrictions on movement have probably affected Belarusian students as well. The Otchisleno telegram channel reports that students from other cities do not need to return to Vitsebsk after the weekend.

