Popular TG channel admin leaves country

The administrator and creator of the popular telegram channel “Maya Kraina – Belarus” (Belarus is my country) Syarhei Byaspalau has left Belarus, his channel reports.

The decision has to do with a wave of repression against bloggers, which has become more widespread in Belarus over the past month.

“Syarhei Byaspalau was really being hunted and subject to capture, as many bloggers have already been. However, Syarhei managed to stay free and leave the country,” reads the report.

More than 67 thousand people have subscribed to the telegram channel “Maya kraina Belarus”. It covers political events and protests.


In late May, a popular Youtube blogger, Syarhei Tsikhanouski, author of the channel “Country for Life,” was detained. On June 25, Ihar Losik, administrator of the telegram channel “Belarus of the Brain”, was also detained. They are charged with “organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order” (art 342 of the Criminal Code). They are in pre-trial detention center #1 in Minsk.
