Persecution of bloggers.

Khoyniki: Youtubing tractor driver gets 10-day jail term Yauhen Vasilkou, a local tractor driver, father of four kids and author…

Vlogger Mikalai Maslouski detained live in Minsk On Sunday morning, Maslouski started live broadcasting on his YouTube. The blogger was…

Popular TG channel admin leaves country Syarhei Byaspalau has left Belarus

Blogger Ihar Losik recognized as political prisoner Human rights activists have called for the immediate release of the blogger.

Another Belarusian blogger accused of playing part in ‘public order violations’ Dzmitry Kazlou aka Grey Cat, a Youtuber from the town of…

TG channel admin Losik charged with ‘organizing mass disturbances’ Now Ihar is kept in a temporary detention facility in Akrestsina in…