Porn, bombs, Dulles Plan: Lukashenka’s crony tries to sell conspiracy theory to youth

Natallya Kachanava at pro-government rally. 16 August 2020. Photo: Iryna Arakhouskaya / Belsat

During Friday’s meeting at the Belarusian State University, Natallya Kachanava, Chairperson of the Council of the Republic and Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s confidant, told journalism students about a mothballed conspiracy theory and the fate of Yugoslavia, hinting that the information is directly relevant to the current situation in Belarus.

Shortly before the meeting, there were many security officers in the building of Journalism Faculty. Only invited students were let into the lecture hall where the event was to take place. A security guard was standing at the entrance and checking whether a student’s last name was on his list.

The audience asked Kachanava about Belarus’ non-involvement in the Bologna Process, ongoing detentions of media workers at demonstrations, persecuting independent mass media. In response, the top official decided to enlighten them about what she said was at the bottom of the recent developments in the country. In particular, she played a video featuring the following:

“We shall spend everything we have (all gold, all economic power and resources) on duping and fooling people. Human brains and conscience can be changed. Having wreaked havoc there, we will insensibly replace people’s values with false ones… We will find like-minded people – allies and supporters – in Russia itself. [This is] grand tragedy of ruining the most disobedient people on earth with the final extinction of their conscience happening episode by episode.” (source)

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The text allegedly originates from The Eternal Call, a fiction novel by Russian writer Anatoly Ivanov. The Russian version of the quote above is not uncommon under the title ‘Dulles Plan’ or ‘Dulles Doctrine’ in Russian-speaking сonspiracy theorists’ articles. The adherers claim that former CIA chief Allen Dulles developed an action plan of bringing the USSR to knees by secretly corrupting the cultural heritage and the Soviet people’s moral values. The plan was first published in Russia in 1993; its English original has never been presented.

Natallya Kachanava also touched upon the topic of the West’s ‘pernicious influence’ again, making allegations that Western countries are dragging Belarus to a dangerous abyss. She cited the war in Yugoslavia as an example.

“The year of 1989. I went abroad for the first time in my life. [I visited] a magnificent country – Yugoslavia! There was an abundance of goods in stores, the country and its people were beautiful, everything was settled. But at the same time, pornographic films were shown, spirituality and morality were fading away. [As a result,] a few years later the country was bombed out,” Kachanava stressed.

According to Kachanava, she never observed any false information or ideological bias in news shows aired on state-run TV channels. When asked why many journalists covering protest rallies were detained, the official countered: “What for should one cover them [rallies]?”

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